DeeOhGee is the wild conglomeration of brothers who scrape their inspiration from the talents of American music. The beat, the groove, the melody, are the holy trinity that guide this band. With togetherness as the goal they travel, sing, give and gather for the betterment of their fellow man. The origins of American music are built from the exact same elements that make our modern music quicken our current pulses. This is where DeeOhGee has made their home, pulling from acoustic roots to amplified chaos, they encompass the human condition within their songs. Without fear of being multi-dimensional, Zack Murphy pushes his heavy beat and nuanced percussion to new grounds. Matthew Paige heaves his weight into riffs and dissonance that lands in a beautiful cadence. And Dylan Whitlow brilliantly lends his gift of bass virtuosity to the heat that melts it all together. With plans to collaborate and participate in the vast world of music for as long as life allows, the DeeOhGee contribution is one of honesty and free thinking feels cranked up for those ready for liberation.

USA 2024 tour dates